About Me

Hi everyone,

MY name is Albert France, I was born and raised in Romania.After the comunism regim, me and my brother we move to Italy, where I enjoy very much, I made a lot of friends, and my boss was like family to me.

But after 10 years I wanted to see more than Italy and Romania, so I came to Bermuda island for a summer in 2003.

After a beautiful summer on a beautiful island, I fall in love with Bermuda too, so here I am after 18 years still in Bermuda.

I am still working on hospitality, and I am also a part-time affiliate marketer. I also like to do some programming, build websites, and also build algorithms for automatic trading Forex Exchange and Stock market.

Ather than that like to have fun, go on the beach, take video footage under the water, and also aerial footage, I make sure I will attach here some links with some videos and Fotos, with beautiful Bermuda!


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JV with Albert

I want to hear from you on how I can create a True JV (Joint Venture) with You!

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